Emergent Ventures Winners

Semantic search over every Emergent Ventures winner

Emergent Ventures is a fellowship and grant program founded by Tyler Cowen, economist and author of the blog Marginal Revolution, from the Mercatus Center at GMU. It funds moonshots and highly ambitious ideas to improve society.

This site collects all winners in one place. You can also find a CSV by clicking the Github link on the top right.

This search bar doesn‘t need you to get the keywords exactly right; it uses a technique from machine learning called embeddings to find close enough matches. Here are a few starting suggestions for you:

Anonymous1LinkAnonymous grant for writing in Eastern Europe.
Topos House1LinkPledged grant to San Francisco’s Topos House, conditional on finding a “social science prodigy” to live in the house for a while and interact with the other Topos fellows.
18-year-old economics prodigy1LinkTravel grant made to 18-year-old economics prodigy, to travel to San Francisco to meet with members of the “rationality community.”
Mark Lutter and his Center for Innovative Governance Research1LinkGrant to support the work of Mark Lutter and his Center for Innovative Governance Research, on charter cities and also an attempt to create a new charter city.
Harshita Arora1LinkGrant to Harshita Arora to help her pursue work in brain science, including brain-computer interfaces to help disabled people manipulate and move objects.
Leonard Bogdonoff1LinkLeonard Bogdonoff has a project to scrape Instagram and create a searchable concordance of street art around the world.
Juan Pablo Villarino1LinkTravel and conference grant to Juan Pablo Villarino, from Argentina, sometimes called “the world’s greatest hitchhiker.”
Ben Southwood1LinkBen Southwood, public intellectual from England, support for his writing and research on why progress in science has slowed down.
Eric Lofgren1LinkEric Lofgren has worked at the Pentagon for seven years and now will spend a year at Mercatus/George Mason to develop the skills, including blogging and podcasting, to become the nation’s leading public intellectual on defense procurement.
Gaurav Venkataraman1LinkA two-year pledge to Gaurav Venkataraman, at University College of London, to support his doctoral work on the idea of RNA-based memory.
Joy Buchanan1LinkJoy Buchanan, economist, a grant to conduct research on why people become entrepreneurs and initiate start-ups, using the methods of experimental economics.
Michael Sonnenschein1LinkMichael Sonnenschein, Masters student at MIT in development economics (and a television screenwriter) a grant for research to reform and improve the Haitian lottery system, and turn it into a means to combat poverty.
Stefan Roots1LinkStefan Roots is writing and editing an on-line and also paper newspaper to cover local news in Chester, Pennsylvania, aimed at the African-American community.
Jeffrey Clemens1LinkJeffrey Clemens, professor at UC San Diego, a grant to help him develop his on-line writing in economics.
Kelly Smith1LinkKelly Smith has a project to further extend and organize a parent-run charter school system in Arizona, Prenda, using Uber-like coordinating apps and “minimalist” educational methods.
David Perell1LinkDavid Perell, to encourage and support his work in podcasting and social media.
Kelly Smith2LinkKelly Smith has a for-profit project to further extend a parent-run charter school system in Arizona, using Uber-like coordinating apps and “minimalist” OER methods.
Andrew L. Roberts2LinkAndrew L. Roberts, Northwestern University, a small grant to further his work on how sports relates to politics.
Stefan de Villiers2LinkStefan de Villiers, high school student, to create podcasts on the decisions of other high school students and how/why they become successful.
Brian Burns2LinkBrian Burns is working (with Samo Burja) on the history of mathematics and career networks, with special attention to the blossoming of innovation in 18th century Göttingen: “The secret to producing flourishing mathematical and scientific traditions may lie in a careful study of institutions. I will undertake this investigation and in the process uncover lost mathematical knowledge.” Gauss, Riemann, and Hilbert!
Can Olcer2LinkCan Olcer is one of the two entrepreneurs behind Kosmos School, a K-12 school that exists only in virtual reality, a for-profit enterprise with an emphasis on science education.
Anonymous2LinkAnonymous, working on a board game for ten years, aimed at teaching basic economics, including supply and demand and the core ideas of Ronald Coase. The grant is for marketing the game.
Sophie Sandor2LinkSophie Sandor is a 23-year-old Scottish film-maker making films with “noticeable themes [of] rational optimism, ambition and a rejection of the victimhood notion that millennials are prone to.
Nicholas Dunk2LinkNicholas Dunk has a for-profit to bring voice recognition/machine transcription to the daily tasks of doctors. The goal is to solve paperwork problems, free up doctor time, encourage better record-keeping, and improve accuracy, all toward the end of higher quality and less expensive health care.
Lama Al Rajih2LinkLama Al Rajih, a young Saudi CS student, building Therma, among other projects, she received a travel grant to visit potential mentors.
Jordan Schneider3LinkJordan Schneider, for newsletter and podcast and writing work “explaining the rise of Chinese tech and its global ramifications.”
Michelle Rorich3LinkMichelle Rorich, for her work in economic development and Africa, to be furthered by a bike trip Cairo to Capetown.
Craig Palsson, Market Power3LinkCraig Palsson, Market Power, a new YouTube channel for economics.
Jeffrey C. Huber3LinkJeffrey C. Huber, to write a book on tech and economic progress from a Christian point of view.
Mayowa Osibodu3LinkMayowa Osibodu, building AI programs to preserve endangered languages.
David Forscey3LinkDavid Forscey, travel grant to look into issues and careers surrounding protection against election fraud.
Jennifer Doleac3LinkJennifer Doleac, Texas A&M, to develop an evidence-based law and economics, crime and punishment podcast.
Fergus McCullough3LinkFergus McCullough, University of St. Andrews, travel grant to help build a career in law/history/politics/public affairs.
Justin Zheng3LinkJustin Zheng, a high school student working on biometrics for cryptocurrency.
Matthew Teichman3LinkMatthew Teichman at the University of Chicago, for his work in philosophy podcasting.
Kyle Eschen3LinkKyle Eschen, comedian and magician and entertainer, to work on an initiative for the concept of “steelmanning” arguments.
Statnews3LinkFor their excellent and intelligent reporting on public health, including the coronavirus, with the latter articles being ungated. This is not only a prize for past achievement, but also resources to allow them to continue into the future. As most of you know, journalism is a highly precarious enterprise these days. And to be clear, this is a one-time prize and it involves absolutely no editorial control or influence over what they publish.
Tina White and Covid Watch3LinkFor their work on track and trace apps, you will note that Tina and her group were earlier winners of a (smaller) Emergent Ventures fellowship. This is an Early Response prize, for their critical and timely work to boost the quality of these apps and to make them more privacy-friendly and more palatable to civil liberties concerns.
Kadeem and Savannah Noray4LinkKadeem and Savannah Noray, graduate students at Harvard, economics and HKS, general support and also to study how to identify undervalued, high potential K-12 students.
José Luis Ricón4LinkJosé Luis Ricón, for blogging and to develop further platforms for information dissemination.
Arun Johnson4LinkArun Johnson, high school student in the Bay Area, to advance his work in physics, chemistry, nuclear fusion, and for general career development.
Thomas McCarthy4LinkThomas McCarthy, undergraduate at Dublin, Trinity College, travel grant to the Bay Area, and for his work on nuclear fusion and running start-up programs to cultivate young Irish entrepreneurs.
Natalya Naumenko4LinkNatalya Naumenko, economist, incoming faculty at George Mason University, to study the long-term impact of nuclear explosions on health, and also more broadly to study the history of health in the Soviet Union and afterwards.
Paul Novosad4LinkPaul Novosad, with Sam Asher, assistant professor at Dartmouth, to enable the construction of a scalable platform for the integration and dissemination of socioeconomic data in India, ideally to cover every town and village, toward the end of informing actionable improvements.
Alexey Guzey4LinkAlexey Guzey, travel grant to the Bay Area, for blogging and internet writing, plus for working on systems for improving scientific patronage.
Dylan DelliSanti4LinkDylan DelliSanti, to teach an economics class to prisoners, and also to explore how that activity might be done on a larger scale.
Neil Deshmukh4LinkNeil Deshmukh, high school student in Pennsylvania, for general career support and also his work with apps to help Indian farmers identify crop disease and to help the blind interpret images.
James Gallagher5Link16-year-old programmer from Northern England, grant for career development and his interest in income-sharing agreements.
Namrata Narain5LinkIncoming Harvard Ph.D student in economics, for work on “What happens to the ability of firms to write contracts when courts are dysfunctional? [in India]” and related ideas.
Tejas Subramaniam5Link17-year-old from Chennai, Twitter here.
Andy Matuschak5LinkSan Francisco, to support his project to reexamine and fundamentally improve the book as a method for learning and absorbing ideas, Twitter here. Here is his essay on why books do not work.
Nicholas Donahue and Austin Kahn5LinkHas a start-up, open source VR headset focused towards makers and web developers, based on the notion that the web is the proper platform for VR.
Clementine Jacoby and Recidiviz5LinkTo start a non-profit to collect and spread data on recidivism and penal reform for state-level policy, Fast Company article on Recidiviz here.
Mehdi Nayebpour5LinkGMU, Schar School, “How can we explain a specific AI outcome? What if the law mandates it?”, with an eye toward an eventual start-up.
Colin Mortimer5LinkWashington, D.C., for career development and to explore the marketing of neoliberal ideas through social media.
Shruti Rajagopalan5LinkShruti Rajagopalan, for Indian political economy and improving Indian economic policy, in residence at Mercatus.
Jasmine Wang5Link20-year-old infovore, career development grant, Twitter here.
SpiritFire5LinkA non-profit working with survivors of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, article here about their work.
PseudoerasmusProgress Studies TrancheLinkPseudoerasmus, for general excellence and his on-line writings on progress and development. He has donated the funds to the Economic History Society.
Alice EvansProgress Studies TrancheLinkAlice Evans, Professor, King’s College London, for her work on social change and despondency traps, and podcasting, and general excellence.
Jason CrawfordProgress Studies TrancheLinkJason Crawford, to boost his writings and career as public intellectual on topics of progress and the benefits of economic growth and industrialism. Here is his blog The Roots of Progress.
Tanner GreerProgress Studies TrancheLinkTanner Greer, to help him move from Taiwan to Virginia/GMU, and to write a book on the last twenty years of U.S. history and its significance.
Adam GreenProgress Studies TrancheLinkAdam Green, budding public intellectual, to study the pre-implantation genetic testing of embryos.
Ville VesterinenProgress Studies TrancheLinkVille Vesterinen, Finland, to produce podcasts and YouTube videos on the nature of progress and economic growth.
Leopold AschenbrennerProgress Studies TrancheLinkLeopold Aschenbrenner, 17 year old economics prodigy, to spend the next summer in the Bay Area and for general career development. Here is his paper on existential risk.
Byrne HobartProgress Studies TrancheLinkByrne Hobart, to write a book on technological progress with Tobias Huber.
Saloni Dattani and Sam BowmanProgress Studies TrancheLinkSaloni Dattani and ,Sam Bowman, to set up a website on progress and progress studies, possibly a progress-related podcast.
Sonja Trauss6LinkSonja Trauss of YIMBY, assistance to publish Nicholas Barbon, A Defence of the Builder.
Parnian Barekatain6Link-
Anna Gát6LinkAnna Gát, for development as a public intellectual and also toward the idea and practice of spotting and mobilizing talent in others.
M.B. Malabu6LinkM.B. Malabu, travel grant to come to the D.C. area for helping in setting up a market-oriented think tank in Nigeria.
Eric James Wang and Jordan Fernando Alexander6LinkEric James Wang and Jordan Fernando Alexander, a joint award for their work on the project Academia Mirmidón, to help find, mobilize, and market programming and tech talent in Mexico.
Gonzalo Schwarz, Archbridge Institute6LinkGonzalo Schwarz, Archbridge Institute, for research and outreach work to improve policy through reforms in Uruguay and Brazil.
Nolan Gray6LinkNolan Gray, urban planner from NYC, to be in residence at Mercatus and write a book on YIMBY, Against Zoning.
Samarth Jajoo6LinkSamarth Jajoo, an Indian boy in high school, to assist his purchase of study materials for math, computer science, and tutoring.
Harshita Arora6LinkAnd EV winner Harshita Arora co-founded AtoB, a startup building a sustainable transportation network for intercity commuters using buses.
Nicholas Whitaker7LinkNicholas Whitaker of Brown, general career development grant in the area of Progress Studies.
Coleman Hughes7LinkColeman Hughes, travel and career development grant.
Michael T. Foster7LinkMichael T. Foster, career development grant to study machine learning to predict which politicians will succeed and advance their careers.
Evan Horowitz7LinkEvan Horowitz, to start the Center for State Policy Analysis at Tufts, to impose greater rationality on policy discussions at the state level.
John Strider7LinkJohn Strider, a Progress Studies grant on how to reinvent the integrated corporate research lab.
Dryden Brown7LinkDryden Brown, to help build institutions and a financial center in Ghana, through his company Bluebook Cities.
Adaobi Adibe7LinkAdaobi Adibe, to restructure credentialing, and build infrastructure for a more meritocratic world, helping workers create property rights in the evaluation of their own talent.
Shrirang Karandikar7LinkShrirang Karandikar, and here (corrected link), to support an Indian project to get the kits to measure and understand local pollution.
Jassi Pannu7LinkJassi Pannu, medical student at Stanford, to study best policy responses to pandemics.
Vasco Queirós7LinkVasco Queirós, for his work on a Twitter browser app for superior threading and on-line communication.
Eibhlin Lim8Link“I interview founders from different industries and around the globe and share their origin stories to inspire the next generation of founders to reach for their own dreams. I previously shared these stories in Phoenix Newsletters, an online newsletter that organically grew to serve more than 7000 high school and university student subscribers primarily from Malaysia. In July 2018, I decided to self-publish and distribute a book, ‘The Phoenix Perspective’, which contains some of the most loved stories from Phoenix Newsletters, after learning that some of our biggest fans did not have constant access to the Internet and went through great lengths to read the stories. With the help of founders and organizations, I managed to bring this book to these youths and also 1000+ other youths from 20+ countries around the globe. I hope to be able to continue interviewing founders and share their origin stories, on a new website, to reach even more future founders from around the world.”
Carole Treston8LinkTo jump-start a Covid-19 program to produce cheap informational videos and distribute them to their nurse network for better information and greater safety, including for patients.
Kyle Redelinghuys8Link“Right now, the main sources of data for Coronavirus are CSV files and websites which make the data fairly inaccessible to work with for developers. By giving easy access to this data more products can be built and more information can be shared. The API I built is an easily accessible, single source of Coronavirus data to enable developers to build new products based on COVID19 data. These products could be mobile applications, web applications and graphed data…The API exposes this data in JSON which is the easiest data format to work with for web and mobile developers. This in turn allows for quick integration in to any products. The API is also completely free to users.”
Seyone Chithrananda8Link17 year old from Ontario, wishes to work in San Francisco, he does computational biology with possible application to Covid-19 as well, Twitter here. His Project De Novo uses molecular machine learning methods for novel small molecule discovery, and the grant will be used to scale up the cloud computing infrastructure and purchase chemical modelling software.
Joshua Broggi, Woolf University8LinkTo build an on-line university to bring learning programs to the entire world, including to businesses but by no means only. His background is in philosophy and German thought, and now he is seeking to change the world.
Mikko Packalen9LinkMikko Packalen, with co-authors, fellow in Progress Studies, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Waterloo, to improve science, in particular to study superior methods for improving systems of science citation.
Daniel Gallardo Albarrán9LinkDaniel Gallardo Albarrán, post doc at Wageningen University, Netherlands, for historical research on European and other policy responses to plagues.
Anna Steingold9LinkAnna Steingold, Barnard College, general career support and to investigate small business successes and failure in New York City.
Fasih Zulfiqar9LinkFasih Zulfiqar, Karachi, Pakistan, home schooled and #1 economics student on the Pakistan national exam. For the study of economics in college and general career support.
Dylan White9LinkDylan White, living in Dubai, philosophy and tutor background, to start a podcast on travel and tourism during pandemic times.
Sarvasv Kulpati9LinkSarvasv Kulpati, Singapore, about to start UC Berkeley (if possible), interested in education and technology.
Bekhzod Khoshimov9LinkBekhzod Khoshimov, Ph.d. candidate at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin School of Business, for the study of entrepreneurship and to develop his podcast matters related to political economy and also Uzbekistan and Russia. Here is his interview with James Robinson.
Praveen MishraIndia 2LinkPraveen Mishra when he was 16 started the Power of Youth, a non-profit aimed at empowering rural students by giving them mentorship and conducting competitions to highlight their potential. He since has been building a ‘YouTube of e-commerce’. He is the founder of ByBuy, an omni-channel retail platform, and he received his EV grant to help with this launch.
Akash BhatiaIndia 2LinkAkash and Puru are the co-founders of Infinite Analytics (IA), a Boston-based company whose proprietary AI platform analyzes customers’ data. They received their EV grant to repurpose their platform for Covid containment to help governments and authorities in India with contact tracing and mobility analyses. They have since helped millions of users, and their Containment Zone analyses are becoming the bedrock for lockdown exit strategy in Mumbai and Pune. Here is a video about the project.
Puru BotlaIndia 2Link
Mohammed Suhail Chinya SalimpashaIndia 2LinkSuhail is a 19-year-old senior grade homeschooler. He dropped out of high school to work on finding new ways to quantify protein in serum applied on a faster diagnosis of malnutrition. This is his TedX talk on the project. He diverted his efforts towards Covid, to create India’s first multi-language Covid symptom checker, which was adopted by some local authorities before the Government mandated an alternative. He is currently working on solving problems in containerizing applications, Enterprise Cloud, low latency API communication, and 5G In Social Tech Democratization.
Manasseh John WesleyIndia 2LinkManasseh John Wesley is a 21-year-old from Hyderabad, India, studying engineering and technologies like embedded systems megatronics/machine learning/data science/digital communication systems. He is the founder of River Bend Data Solution, a data science company with health care applications. He received an EV grant to create a platform for hospitals to provide X-rays and CT scan images and to use AIML to identify at risk districts in Andhra Pradesh.
Vidya MahambareIndia 2LinkDr. Vidya Mahambare is a Professor of Economics at Great Lakes Institute of Management working in macroeconomics as well as cultural and social economics issues. Dr. Soumya Dhanaraj is an assistant professor of economics at the Madras School of Economics, working in Development Economics and Applied Microeconomics. Their grant is to support their work in labor market and migration distortions.
Sowmya DhanarajIndia 2Link
Onkar SinghIndia 2LinkOnkar Singh Batra is a fourteen-year-old web developer from Jammu and Kashmir. He developed and published his first website at the age of seven and holds the record for the World’s Youngest Webmaster. Furthermore, his book ‘When the Time Stops’ made him hold the record for the record of ‘World’s Youngest Theoretical Author.’ Recently, responding to the Covid pandemic, he received his EV grant for the web applications named –‘COVID Care Jammu’ and ‘COVID Global Care’, which connects doctors with users and helps users do a free anonymous Covid Risk Assessment test. Onkar built his website keeping in mind slow internet speed and limited access. He has plans for many future projects, including working on a bio shield for 5G radiation technology.
Nilay KulkarniIndia 2LinkNilay Kulkarni is a 20-year old software developer and he previously worked on a project to prevent human stampedes at the world’s largest gathering – the Kumbh Mela. His project’s implementation at the 2015 edition of the event in Nashik, with over 30 million attendees, led to the first stampede-free Kumbh Mela in the city’s history. Nilay has also spoken at TEDx New York about the project. He has worked on assistive technology for people with ALS enabling them to control phones using their tongues. He received his EV grant for the tech development of the MahaKavach App, the official quarantine monitoring and contact tracing platform adopted by the state government of Maharashtra. So far, the platform has helped reduce the time needed for contact-tracing from 3-4 days to 25-30 minutes, and he is now working on open-sourcing the platform for greater impact.
Data Development LabIndia 2LinkDrs. Paul Novosad and Sam Asher are previous EV grantees for creating the SHRUG database at Data Development Lab. The SHRUG is an ultra-clean geocoded database describing hundreds of dimensions of socioeconomic status across 8,000 towns and 500,000 villages in India. Everything in the SHRUG is carefully linked, extensively vetted and documented, and ready for immediate application. In addition to continually expanding the SHRUG, they recently received another EV grant for a second platform oriented toward informing the COVID-19 response in India. This platform has a wealth of linked pandemic-related data (e.g. hospital capacity, health system use, agricultural prices) not available anywhere else and is directly feeding several COVID response research and policy teams.
Deepak VSIndia 2LinkDeepak VS is a 23-year-old Mechatronics Engineer from Bangalore, India and he has worked on traffic and communications projects. He also founded a college club called 42 Labs that eventually grew into a startup company called Tilt, a shared mobility platform designed for Indian campuses but now in corporate parks, colleges, townships, and cities across India. Working primarily with electric bikes, Tilt is partnering with companies to help provide alternate mobility solutions to people who typically use crowded and unsafe public transport.
Amit VarmaIndia 2LinkAmit Varma is one of the most influential podcasters in India, and the winner of the Bastiat Prize in Journalism for his writing. He is the host of the iconic longform interview podcast The Seen and the Unseen, my chat with him on Stubborn Attachments is here and Alex’s appearances on the show here and here.
Vivek KaulIndia 2LinkVivek Kaul is a prominent journalist and writer covering finance and economics. His most recent book, “Bad Money: Inside the NPA Mess and How It Threatens the Indian Banking System” was released earlier this month.
Raman BahlIndia 2LinkRaman Bahl is a 2012 Teach For India Fellow. He has worked over the last decade in different capacities to teach students, train teachers, create curricula, and create systems of teaching and learning in the Indian education system. In the light of the pandemic, rural communities in India are not getting access to quality learning at home. In particular, students from poorer and marginalized groups cannot access to remote/online education launched by local schools because they lack internet access, televisions, and/or learning materials. Raman received his EV grant for creating a Voice-based Academic System for students in rural communities, to enable access to learning at home, through mobile phones. He is launching the system in Purkhas Rathi in Haryana and hopes to scale the system to more villages and states.
Vidyarthi BaddireddyIndia 2LinkVidyarthi Baddireddy, Utsav Bhattacharya and Kajal Malik are Indian entrepreneurs focused on the employability of graduating students in India. In 2017 they founded Reculta to digitize campus placements. In 2019, they launched PickMyWork, a platform for onboarding gig workers and getting them to complete tasks for client organizations through a pay-per-task model. In light of the manpower crisis during the Covid pandemic, especially on the frontlines, they want to enable matching of volunteers to emergency situations. They received their EV grant for adapting PickMyWork as a local volunteer response system to emergency situations like Covid by using the platform to source, train and deploy volunteers across various projects and locations.
Utsav BhattacharyaIndia 2LinkVidyarthi Baddireddy, Utsav Bhattacharya and Kajal Malik are Indian entrepreneurs focused on the employability of graduating students in India. In 2017 they founded Reculta to digitize campus placements. In 2019, they launched PickMyWork, a platform for onboarding gig workers and getting them to complete tasks for client organizations through a pay-per-task model. In light of the manpower crisis during the Covid pandemic, especially on the frontlines, they want to enable matching of volunteers to emergency situations. They received their EV grant for adapting PickMyWork as a local volunteer response system to emergency situations like Covid by using the platform to source, train and deploy volunteers across various projects and locations.
Kajal MalikIndia 2LinkVidyarthi Baddireddy, Utsav Bhattacharya and Kajal Malik are Indian entrepreneurs focused on the employability of graduating students in India. In 2017 they founded Reculta to digitize campus placements. In 2019, they launched PickMyWork, a platform for onboarding gig workers and getting them to complete tasks for client organizations through a pay-per-task model. In light of the manpower crisis during the Covid pandemic, especially on the frontlines, they want to enable matching of volunteers to emergency situations. They received their EV grant for adapting PickMyWork as a local volunteer response system to emergency situations like Covid by using the platform to source, train and deploy volunteers across various projects and locations.
Harsh PatelIndia 2LinkHarsh Patel is an undergraduate student in electronics and communication engineering; his interests are in components, coding, and robotics. Hiten Patel is an electrical engineer interested in robotics, coding, and designing. They received their EV grant to develop robot prototypes that they call ‘E-Bot: Arogya Sahayak’ to potentially support hospitals, hotels, airports, workplaces, etc., to assist with basic tasks while maintaining social distancing.
Hiten PatelIndia 2LinkHarsh Patel is an undergraduate student in electronics and communication engineering; his interests are in components, coding, and robotics. Hiten Patel is an electrical engineer interested in robotics, coding, and designing. They received their EV grant to develop robot prototypes that they call ‘E-Bot: Arogya Sahayak’ to potentially support hospitals, hotels, airports, workplaces, etc., to assist with basic tasks while maintaining social distancing.
Vinay DébrouIndia 2LinkVinay Débrou studied computer science and is a self-taught data scientist interested in psychology, data science, and new applications of network science for collaboration-generating contexts. He has also built resources for aspiring location-independent free-agents including a curated resources library and a weekly newsletter. Vinay received his Emergent Ventures grant to accelerate his ongoing project to build a network visualization/mapping tool (v0.1 here) to catalyze cross-disciplinary expertise-sharing and collaboration in Yak Collective – an open, networked community of 300+ (and growing) independent creators, consultants, and researchers.
Sebastian Garren10LinkSebastian Garren, to found John Paul II Preparatory School’s South Campus in St. Louis, a hybrid on-line and in-person educational alternative for K-12, also stressing Western history and the classics.
John Durant10LinkJohn Durant, for career development and writing, and explorations into notions of angels.
Mishka Orakzai10LinkMishka Orakzai of Peshawar, Pakistan, to support her thiscodeworks project intent to make snippets of code more available.
Krishaan Khubchand10LinkKrishaan Khubchand, 20 years old, studying law at Birkbeck, to study mega-projects and capital allocation, he is also a Progress Studies fellow.
Vignan Velivela10LinkVignan Velivela. He started as a robotics engineer at Cruise Automation, is a member of the Explorers Club (wiki, BBC) for his work on the lightest planetary rover at Carnegie Mellon, worked on a peer-to-peer lending startup in India that was acqui-hired by PayTm, went to college (BITS Pilani) in India studying EE and Economics, and now is co-founder of AtoB.
Wasteland Ventures10LinkWasteland Ventures (no web page), to support their efforts in talent search and development.
Witold Wiecek10LinkWitold Wiecek, Bayesian statistician and consultant, for his work on the Bayesian modeling of the COVID-19 epidemic, and the design of an optimal vaccine portfolio, in cooperation with the Accelerating Health Technologies team.
Arthur W. Baker10LinkArthur W. Baker, for his efforts on incentive design for vaccines, in cooperation with the Accelerating Health Technologies team.
Barkha DuttIndia 3LinkA further Covid-19 India Prize goes to award winning journalist Barkha Dutt for her reporting on the Covid pandemic and related crises in India. Because of the Covid lockdown (March-June 2020), Indian news reporting and broadcasting faced severe disruptions in March-April 2020. For the first 50 days, as television networks remained studio-bound, Dutt and her small team traveled across India to report from the ground, producing over 250 ground reports. All the videos and reports are available on the MoJo youtube channel. One of the world’s most severe lockdowns unleashed a massive internal migration from the cities to the villages in India. Dutt’s team was one of the first to shed light on the erroneous state policies concerning economic migrants in India during the lockdown,, often while walking alongside migrants. Her sustained coverage eventually led other stations and newspapers to follow and report similar stories and invoked a policy response from the government.
Rukmini SIndia 3LinkAnother Covid-19 India Prize goes to award winning data journalist Rukmini S, for The Moving Curve Podcast, covering the data issues in India. She distills all the information, data, and her daily insights into a 5-7-minute audio update in the form of a free podcast, now at 92 episodes. The episodes range from getting to the heart of India’s death statistics, interviewing a rural doctor about what it’s like waiting for Covid to hit, to attempting to cut through India’s public/ private healthcare binary, and they have had significant influence on many state governments. The Moving Curve podcast is produced by a small team of two – Rukmini S and sound engineer Anand Krishnamoorthi. The podcast is available on the major platforms as well as on medium.
Andrew Dembe11LinkAndrew Dembe of Uganda, working on the “last mile” problem for health care delivery.
Maxwell Dostart-Meers11LinkMaxwell Dostart-Meers of Harvard, to study Singapore and state capacity, as a Progress Studies fellow.
Markus Strasser11LinkMarkus Strasser of Linz, Austria, now living in London, to pursue a next-generation scientific search and discovery web interface that can answer complex quantitative questions, built on extracted relations from scientific text, such as graph of causations, effects, biomarkers, quantities, etc.
Marc Sidwell11LinkMarc Sidwell of the United Kingdom, to write a book on common sense.
Yuen Yuen Ang11LinkYuen Yuen Ang, political scientist at the University of Michigan, from Singapore, to write a new book on disruption.
Matthew Clancy11LinkMatthew Clancy, Iowa State University, Progress Studies fellow. To build out his newsletter on recent research on innovation.
Samarth Athreya11LinkSamarth Athreya, Ontario: “I’m a 17 year old who is incredibly passionate about the advent of biomaterials and its potential to push humanity forward in a variety of industries. I’ve been speaking about my vision and some of my research on the progress of material science and nanotechnology specifically at various events like C2 Montreal, SXSW, and Elevate Tech Festival!”
Applied Divinity Studies11LinkApplied Divinity Studies, this anonymously written blog has won an award for his or her writing and blogging. We are paying in bitcoin.
Jordan Mafumbo11LinkJordan Mafumbo, a Ugandan autodidact and civil engineer studying Heidegger and the foundations of liberalism. He also has won an award for blogging.
Markus Strasser12LinkMarkus Strasser, from Linz and now London, to work on natural language processing for scientific outputs.
Andres Leon12LinkAndres Leon, a 17-year-old from Mexico City who is building a mobile payments company with his brother.
Ifat Lerner12LinkIfat Lerner, Lerner Labs, a new venture customizing education for K-12 students.
Brianna Wolfson12LinkBrianna Wolfson, for a start-up focused on teaching corporate culture.
Mukundh Murthy12LinkMukundh Murthy, 17-year-old from Massachusetts, studies biology, computational biology, and antibiotic resistance; the award is for general career development.
Youyang Gu12LinkYouyang Gu, here are his Covid-19 projections using machine learning.
Matt Faherty12LinkMatt Faherty, to study and write about the NIH.
Kenny Workman13LinkKenny Workman, building tools for computational biology.
Brianna GoPaul13LinkBrianna GoPaul, “17 y/o learning fusion energy.”
Justin Glibert13LinkJustin Glibert, from Belgium near Liege, nanotechnology and cryptography and space manufacturing.
Andrew Tate Young13LinkAndrew Tate Young, custom audio from blogs, and to create audiobooks from science information in the public domain.
Rasheed Griffith13LinkRasheed Griffith, Barbados, podcast on China in the Caribbean, and Substack on the same.
Michael Trinh13LinkMichael Trinh of Toronto, synthetic biology and immunology, general career development.
Austin Diamond13LinkAustin Diamond, general career development.
Trevor Chow13LinkTrevor Chow, from Hong Kong now at Cambridge studying economics and monetary policy, here is his blog.
Lea Degen13LinkLea Degen, from southern Germany now in San Francisco, podcasting and general career support, more here.
Center for Indonesian Policy Studies14LinkCenter for Indonesian Policy Studies, Jakarta, to hire a new director.
Zach Mazlish14LinkZach Mazlish, recent Brown graduate in philosophy, for travel and career development.
Upsolve.org14LinkUpsolve.org, headed by Rohan Pavuluri, to support their work on legal reform and deregulation of legal services for the poor.
Madison Breshears14LinkMadison Breshears, GMU law student, to study the proper regulation of cryptocurrencies.
Quest for Justice14LinkQuest for Justice, to help Californians better navigate small claims court without a lawyer.
Cameron Wiese14LinkCameron Wiese, Progress Studies fellow, to create a new World’s Fair.
Jimmy Alfonso Licon14LinkJimmy Alfonso Licon, philosopher, visiting position at George Mason University, general career development.
Tony Morley14LinkTony Morley, Progress Studies fellow, from Ngunnawal, Australia, to write the first optimistic children’s book on progress.
Michelle Wang14LinkMichelle Wang, Sophomore at the University of Toronto, Canada, to study the causes and cures of depression, and general career development, and to help her intern at MIT.
Emily Oster15LinkEmily Oster, Brown University, in support of her COVID-19 School Response Dashboard and the related “Data Hub” proposal, to ease and improve school reopenings, project here.
Kathleen Harward15LinkKathleen Harward, to write and market a series of children’s books based on classical liberal values.
William Zhang15LinkWilliam Zhang, a high school junior on Long Island, NY, for general career development and to popularize machine learning and computation.
Kyle Schiller15LinkKyle Schiller, to study possibilities for nuclear fusion.
Aaryan Harshith15LinkAaryan Harshith, 15 year old in Ontario, for general career development and “LightIR is the world’s first device that can instantly detect cancer cells during cancer surgery, preventing the disease from coming back and keeping patients healthier for longer.”
Anna Harvey15LinkAnna Harvey, New York University and Social Science Research Council, to bring evidence-based law and economics research to practitioners in police departments and legal systems.
EconomistsWritingEveryDay15LinkEconomistsWritingEveryDay blog, here is one recent good Michael Makowsky post.
Richard Hanania15LinkRichard Hanania, Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology, to pursue their new mission.
Jeremy Horpedahl15LinkJeremy Horpedahl, for his work on social media to combat misinformation, including (but not only) Covid misinformation.
Phoebe Yao16LinkPhoebe Yao, founder and CEO of Pareto, “a human API delivering the business functions startups desperately need.” She was born in China, formerly of Stanford, and a former classical violist. (By my mistake I left her off of a previous cohort list, apologies!)
BeyondAging16LinkBeyondAging, a new group to support longevity research.
Sam Enright16LinkSam Enright, for writing, blogging, and general career development, resume here. From Ireland, currently studying in Scotland.
Zena Hitz16LinkZena Hitz, St. John’s College, to build The Catherine Project, to revitalize the study of the classics.
Gavin Leech16LinkGavin Leech, lives in Bristol, he is from Scotland, getting a Ph.D in AI. General career support, he is interested in: “Personal experimentation to ameliorate any chronic illness; reinforcement learning as microscope on Goodhart’s law; weaponised philosophy for donors; noncollege routes to impact.”
Valmik Rao16LinkValmik Rao, 17 years old, Ontario, he is building a program to better manage defecation in Nigeria.
Rabbi Zohar Atkins16LinkRabbi Zohar Atkins, New York City, to pursue a career as a public intellectual. Here is one substack, here is another.
Basil Halperin16LinkBasil Halperin, graduate student in economics at MIT, for his writing and for general career development.
Gytis Daujotas16LinkGytis Daujotas, lives in Dublin, studying computer science at DCU, for a project to make the Great Books on the web easy to read, and for general career development. Here is his web site.
Geoff Anders16LinkGeoff Anders, Leverage Research, to support his work to find relevant bottlenecks in science and help overcome them. A Progress Studies fellow.
Samantha Jordan16LinkSamantha Jordan, NYU Stern School of Business, with Nathaniel Bechhofer, for a new company, “Our platform will accelerate the speed and quality of science by enabling scientists to easily manage their data and research pipelines, using best practices from software engineering.” Also a Progress Studies grant.
Nina Khera16LinkNina Khera, “I’m a teenage human longevity researcher who’s interested in preventing aging-related diseases, especially those related to brain aging. In the past, I’ve worked with companies like Alio on computation and web-dev-based projects. I’ve also worked with labs like the Gladyshev lab and the Adams lab on data analysis and machine learning-based projects.” Her current project is Biotein, about developing markers for aging, based in Ontario.
Lipton Matthews16LinkLipton Matthews, from Jamaica, here is his YouTube channel, for general career development.
Caleb Watney and Alec Stapp17LinkCaleb Watney and Alec Stapp, to found a think tank related to progress studies.
Joe Francis17LinkJoe Francis, a farmer in Wales, to write a book on the economic and historical import of slavery in the American republic.
Ananya Chadha17LinkAnanya Chadha, freshman at Stanford, general career development, her interests include neurology and electrical engineering.
Eric Xia17LinkEric Xia, Brown University to develop word association software and for general career development. He is “making a metaphysical sport” and working on word.golf.
Isaak Freeman17LinkIsaak Freeman, from southeast Austria, in a gap year after high school, general career development.
Davis Kedrosky17LinkDavis Kedrosky, undergraduate at UC Berkeley, for economic history and general career development. Home page here, Substack here.
Katherine Dee and Emmet Penney17LinkKatherine Dee and Emmet Penney, for general career development including collaboration. Among other topics, Katherine has worked on reimagining tech and Emmett has worked on promoting nuclear fusion.
Grant Gordon17LinkGrant Gordon, to remedy hunger and nutrition problems in East Africa and also more broadly.
Sofia Sigal-Passeck17LinkSofia Sigal-Passeck, Yale University, “Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Uniphage, a biotechnology start-up which aims to eradicate bacterial diseases using the combined power of bacteriophages and artificial intelligence.”
Brian Potter17LinkBrian Potter, to improve productivity in construction, through both writing and practice. Here is his Substack.
Daniel Liu17LinkDaniel Liu, attending UCLA, to study computational biology and for general career development.
Molly Mielke17LinkMolly Mielke, founder and CEO of Moth Minds, a new company to find talent and revolutionize philanthropy: “Moth Minds is building the foundation that enables anyone to start their own grants program based on finding work that gets them excited about the future.”
Zvi Mowshowitz18LinkZvi Mowshowitz, TheZvi, New York City, to develop his career as idea generator and public intellectual.
Nadia Eghbal18LinkNadia Eghbal, Miami, to study and write on philanthropy for tech and crypto wealth.
Henry Oliver18LinkHenry Oliver, London, to write a book on talent and late bloomers. Substack here.
Geffen Avraham18LinkGeffen Avrahan, Bay Area, founder at Skyline Celestial, an earlier winner, omitted from an early list by mistake, apologies Geffen!
Subaita Rahman18LinkSubaita Rahman of Scarborough, Ontario, to enable a one-year visiting student appointment at Church Labs at Harvard University.
Gareth Black18LinkGareth Black, Dublin, to start YIMBY Dublin.
Pradyumna Prasad18LinkPradyumna Shyama Prasad, blog and podcast, Singapore. Here is his substack newsletter, here is his podcast about both economics and history.
Ulkar Aghayeva18LinkUlkar Aghayeva, New York City, Azerbaijani music and bioscience.
Steven Lu18LinkSteven Lu, Seattle, to create GenesisFund, a new project for nurturing talent, and general career development.
Ashley Lin18LinkAshley Lin, University of Pennsylvania gap year, Center for Effective Altruism, for general career development and to learn talent search in China, India, Russia.
James Lin18LinkJames Lin, McMaster University gap year, from Toronto area, general career development and to support his interests in effective altruism and also biosecurity.
Santiago Tobar Potes18LinkSantiago Tobar Potes, Oxford, from Colombia and DACA in the United States, general career development, interest in public service, law, and foreign policy.
Martin Borch Jensen18LinkMartin Borch Jensen of Longevity Impetus Grants (a kind of Fast Grants for longevity research), Bay Area and from Denmark, for a new project Talent Bridge, to help talented foreigners reach the US and contribute to longevity R&D.
Jessica Watson Miller18LinkJessica Watson Miller, from Sydney now in the Bay Area, to start a non-profit to improve the treatment of mental illness.
Avi Schiffmann19LinkAvi Schiffman, Harvard University. a second award to Avi, for his Ukraine Take Shelter project.
Carol Vieria de Magalhaes19LinkCarol Vieria de Magelhaes, Brazil and Northwestern University, to support a visiting research internship at Harvard Medical School.
BioDojo House19LinkBioDojo House, “A 3 month long co-living community in the Boston/Cambridge area from June-Aug, hosting 6-10 next generation builders & young emerging scientists between 18-25 years old.”
Serene19LinkSerene Han, a free speech project, to expand Tor/Snowflake for Russian and other access to the uncensored internet.
Hector Alberto Diaz Gomez19LinkHector Alberto Diaz Gomez, Peru, Amazonas, general career development and travel, and for research into multilingual search engines.
Louise Perry and Fiona Macenzie19LinkLouise Perry and Fiona Mackenzie, London area, The Other Half, “a feminist think tank with a post-liberal agenda.”
Bridget Pegg19LinkBridget Pegg, St. Louis and Mizzou, for general career development, and intellectual and policy outreach for Missouri and the broader Midwest.
Marius Hobbhahn19LinkMarius Hobbhahn, Tübingen, AI safety and for writings on many other topics as well.
Zeel Patel19LinkZeel Patel, Harvard and Broad Institute of MIT, applying machine learning to health care through AI.
Dwarkesh Patel19LinkDwarkesh Patel, Austin, podcasting and general career support.
Tim Farrelly19LinkTim Farrelly, Dublin, working on AI and vision issues and for general career development and conference travel.
Yang Zheng19LinkYang Zheng, North Hollywood, a project to crowdsource AI problems.
Ben Smith19LinkBen Smith, University of Oregon, from New Zealand. For his project on “multi-objective reinforcement learning with an exponential-log function.”
Paulina M Paiz19LinkPaulina M Paiz, San Francisco/Toronto, travel grant to attend scientific conferences, and to continue with her work using DeepChem.
Tymofiy Mylovanov20LinkI am pleased to be able to announce that the very first Emergent Ventures winner, several years ago, was Tymofiy Mylovanov, an Ukrainian economist affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh. Bloomberg covered Tymofiy’s all-important logistics activities in Ukraine here as explained by MR. And here is a good Pittnews profile. Tymofiy has been so impactful he gets a cohort of his own, in addition to being the very first winner. The early EV grant to Tymofiy was to encourage him to write on the Ukraine economy, in Ukrainian, and this led in turn to his being appointed the Economy Minister in the Zelensky cabinet, which later morphed into his current set of responsibilities in Ukraine. (Not all EV grants are publicized up front, for a variety of reasons). Very recently Emergent Ventures made a grant to the Kyiv School of Economics, led by Tymofiy, and if you wish you can support them here. We are delighted to be helping his efforts and to have him and the School as our twentieth cohort.
Uzay Girit21LinkUzay Girit, 17, part Turkish part American, starting at MIT, general career support.
Hamidah Oderinwale21LinkHamidah Oderinwale, 17, Ontario with Nigerian origins, to sponsor an EA visit to Nigeria and also for general career support.
Yelim Kim21LinkYelim Kim, Champaigne-Urbana, Illinois, 15 years old, for an algae/bio project and general career development.
Anonymous21LinkAn anonymous grant to central/eastern Europe.
Rhett Ellis21LinkRhett Ellis, autistic entrepreneur in Brisbane, a deeptech replacement for the CV/Resume that measures the presence or absence of knowledge.
Oliver Kim21LinkOliver Kim, UC Berkeley economics graduate student, to research Chinese economic growth using light/satellite data for the period of critical reforms.
Luca Gattoni-Celli21LinkLuca Gattoni-Celli, founder YIMBYs of Northern Virginia. Here is his Twitter.
Jamie Brandon21LinkJamie Brandon, Vancouver area independent researcher, working on making databases easier to use.
Kamil Galeev21LinkKamil Galeev, for a new foreign policy consultancy, including with a study of Russia, the Russian region, and China.
Tom Bell21LinkTom Bell, Chapman University, to produce a report In Search of the Best Policies for Translational Geroscience, with Kalon Boston.
Emily Karlzen22LinkEmily Karlzen, Arizona, Founder and CEO of Arch Rift, to develop an astronaut helmet for commercial space flight.
Mehran Jalali22LinkMehran Jalali, for building energy storage systems, NYC, grew up in Iran.
Kyle Redlinghuys22LinkKyle Redlinghuys, a further award, recently launched an API to make the data from the James Webb Space Telescope available.
Pranav Myana22LinkPranav Myana, 18, University of Texas, Austin, working on incorporating renewable power into the grid.
Brian Chau22LinkBrian Chau, Waterloo (Canada), general career support for writing and podcasting. Here is his Substack.
Cathal J. Nolan22LinkCathal J. Nolan, historian, Boston University, to write a book on the relationship between war and progress. Just learned he was born in Dublin.
Cynthia Haven22LinkCynthia Haven, Stanford University, to write a book on John Milton and the 17th century. Twitter here.
Harsehaj Dhami22LinkHarsehaj Dhami, 17, lives in Ontario, to visit a Longevity conference in Copenhagen. LinkedIn here.
Jackson Oswalt22LinkJackson Oswalt, Knoxville, builds things, AR/XR stuff, for general career support. In the Guinness Book of World Records for achieving a nuclear fusion reaction at age 12.
Miguel Ignacio Solano and Maria Elena Solano22LinkMiguel Ignacio Solano and Maria Elena Solano, Bogota/Cambridge, MA, co-founders of VMind, an artificial intelligence project.
Brian Kelleher22LinkBrian Kelleher, 18, Dublin, to improve software for doctors.
Devon Zuegel22LinkDevon Zuegel, to develop a new village and community, Twitter here.
Rodolfo Herrera22LinkRodolfo Herrera, Pensamiento Libre, market-oriented Facebook and YouTube videos for Mexico.
Alia Abbas22LinkAlia Abbas, 19, Maryland, to study biochemistry and materials and for general career development.
Anonymous22LinkThere are two other projects not yet ready for public announcement.
Julia Brodsky22LinkUkraine tranche: Julia Brodsky, Maryland, former instructor of astronauts. To support educational efforts to teach on-line STEM and other subjects to Ukrainian children in refugee camps.
Uliana Ronska22LinkUkraine tranche: Uliana Ronska, 17, Prague and Netherlands currently. She is doing research on problems of triangulating fast-moving stars. It was also under her leadership that her team won ExPhO, CETO
Demian Zhelyabovskyy22LinkUkraine tranche: Demian Zhelyabovskyy
Tymofiy Mylovanov22LinkUkraine tranche: Tymofiy Mylovanov
Yudhister Kumar23LinkChanging the world with efficient, solid hydrogen storage, appeals to rationality, and cool physics.
Anonymous winner23LinkTo investigate who is Satoshi. A serious effort.
Mike McCormick23LinkTo see if the Emergent Ventures model can be scaled.
Michael Florea23LinkStart-up for longevity research.
Heidi Williams and Paul Niehaus23LinkTo pursue work in science policy and the economics of science.
Michael Slade23LinkTo build an app for Marginal Revolution University.
Mike Gioia23LinkTo pursue AI and film.
Oded Oren23LinkFormer public defender, a new non-profit — Scrutinize — to apply data-driven accountability to our criminal justice system, for instance by identifying overzealous prosecuting attorneys.
Sam Glover23Link25-year-old writer, focusing on social science, Effective Altruism, and forecasting.
Jonathan Schulz23LinkTo run RCTs in Benin and research gender inequality and for general career support.
Nikolay Sobernius23LinkFrom Russia currently in Istanbul, general career support, his eventual ambition is to build a new kind of GiveWell about which are the best charities.
Grazie Sophia Christie and Ginevra Lily Davis23LinkTo publish a new magazine The Miami Native, to express the spirit and culture of Miami.
Lydia Nottingham23Link18 years old, Oxford University, general career development.
Mariia Serhiienko23LinkUkraine tranche: From Cherkasy, Ukraine, currently living in Wroclaw, Poland. Studying Communication Design and working on the art of Ukraine and its relation to contemporary issues.
Alex Mikulenko23LinkUkraine tranche: Currently living and studying in the Netherlands, Leiden University. Theoretical physics, sound/acoustics project, particle physics, neutrinos, general career development.
Mykhailo Marynenko23LinkUkraine tranche: Software engineer with a passion for building modern, collaborative, performant, and scalable web applications and libraries. But also in my spare time I’m a doing live-streaming, security researches, open-source software development, IoT and R&D.
Shakked Noy24LinkMIT economics, to do RCTs on GPTs as teaching and learning tools.
Gabriel Birnbaum24LinkBay Area, from Fortaleza, Brazil, to investigate lithography as a key technology used in the manufacturing of microchips.
Moritz Wallawitsch24LinkBerkeley. RemNote is his company, educational technology, and to develop a complementary podcast and for general career development.
Katherine Silk24LinkBoston/Cambridge, general career support and to support advice for early-stage startups.
Benjamin Schneider24LinkBrooklyn. To write a book on the new urbanism.
Joseph Walker24LinkSydney, Australia, to run and expand the Jolly Swagman podcast.
Avital Balwit24LinkBay area, travel grant and general career development.
Benjamin Chang24LinkCambridge, MA. General career support, “I will develop novel RNA riboswitches for gene therapy control in human cells using machine learning.”
Daniel Kang24LinkBerkeley/Champagne-Urbana, biometrics and crypto.
Aamna Zulfifiqar24LinkKarachi, Pakistan, to attend UK higher education to study economics.
Jeremy Stern24LinkGlendale, CA, Tablet magazine. To write a book.
James Meech24LinkPhD student, Cambridge, UK, to work on a random number generator for better computer architectures.
Arthur Allshire24LinkUniversity of Toronto, background also in Ireland and Australia, robotics and support to attend conferences.
Jason Hausenloy24Link17, Singapore, travel and general career development, issues surrounding artificial intelligence.
Sofia Sanchez24LinkMetepec, Mexico, biology and agricultural productivity, to spend a summer at a Stanford lab.
Andrey Liscovich24LinkEastern Ukraine, formerly of Harvard, to provide equipment for public transportation, communication, and emergency power generation to civilian authorities of frontline-adjacent areas in Ukraine which have lost vital infrastructure.
Chris Nicholson24LinkBay area, working as a broker to maintain internet connectivity in Ukraine.
Andrii Nikolaiev, Arsenii Nikolaiev, Zarina Kodyrova, Kvanta,24LinkKvanta, to advance Ukrainian mathematics, help and train math Olympiad winners.
Duncan McClements25Link17, incoming at King’s College Cambridge, economics, general career and research support.
Jasmine Wang and team (Jasmine is a repeat winner)25LinkTrellis, AI and the book.
Sophia Brown25LinkBerlin/Brooklyn, to study the State Department, and general career development.
Robert Tolan25LinkWestern Ireland, farmer and math Olympiad winner, YIMBY by street for Ireland.
Conor Durkin25LinkChicago, to write a Chicago city Substack.
Guido Putignano25LinkMilan/Zurich, to do a summer internship in computation bio for cell therapies, at Harvard/MIT.
Michelle K. Huang25LinkTo revitalize Japanese real estate and to enable a creative community in Japan, near Kyoto.
Rasheed Griffith25LinkRepeat winner, to found a Caribbean think tank.
The Fitzwilliam, a periodical of ideas25LinkTo expand and build it out, Fergus McCullough and Sam Enright, both repeat winners.
Lyn Stoler25LinkLos Angeles, general career development and to develop material for a new pro-growth, pro-green agenda for states and localities.
Gwen Lester25LinkChicago, to develop a center for abused, battered, and sexually abused women, namely GLC Empowerment Center, also known as Nana’s House.
Sabrina Singh25LinkOntario, pre-college, to help her study of neurotechnology.
Isa Hasenko25LinkUkraine tranche: Eastern Ukraine, medical care for eastern Ukraine, performed by a system of digital information, using a real-time tracking system, to trace every allocation. He works with Fintable.io and MissionKharkiv.com.
Stephan Hosedlo25LinkUkraine tranche: Lviv, to expand his company selling farm products and herbal products, and to buy a tractor.
Olesya Drashkaba25LinkUkraine tranche: Kyiv, Sunseed Art, a company to market Ukrainian art posters around the world.
Peter Chernyshov25LinkUkraine tranche: Edinburgh, mathematician, to run math education project — Kontora Pi — to teach advanced math for talented kids and school teachers in Ukraine. To produce more math videos and to recruit more teachers around Ukraine.
Andrew Solovei25LinkUkraine tranche: Western Ukraine, to build out a network to compensate small-scale Ukrainian volunteers in a scalable and verifiable manner.
Olena Skyrta25LinkUkraine tranche: Kyiv, to start a for-profit that will tie new scientific innovations to Ukrainian and other businesses.
Yevheniia Vidishcheva25LinkUkraine tranche: Kyiv, theatrical project to travel around Ukraine.
Alina Beskrovna25LinkUkraine tranche: Mariupol and Harvard Kennedy School, general career support and to work on the economic reconstruction of Ukraine.
Winston Iskandar26Link16, Manhattan Beach, CA, an app for children’s literacy and general career development. Winston also has had his piano debut at Carnegie Hall.
ComplyAI26LinkDheekshita Kumar and Neha Gaonkar, Chicago and NYC, to build an AI service to speed the process of permit application at local and state governments.
Avi Schiffman and InternetActivism26LinkLeading the digital front of humanitarianism. Avi is a repeat winner.
Jarett Cameron Dewbury26LinkOntario, and Cambridge MA, General career support, AI and biomedicine, including for the study of environmental enteric dysfunction. Here is his Twitter.
Ian Cheshire26LinkWallingford, Pennsylvania, high school sophomore, general career support, tech, start-ups, and also income-sharing agreements.
Beyzamur Arican Dinc26LinkPsychology Ph.D student at UCSB, regulation of emotional dyads in relationships and marriages, from Istanbul.
Ariana Pineda26LinkEvanston, Illinois, Northwestern. To attend a biology conference in Prospera, Honduras.
Satvik Agnihotri26LinkHigh school, NYC area, to visit the Bay Area for a summer, study logistics, and general career development.
Michael Loftus26LinkAnn Arbor, for a neuro tech hacker house, connected to Myelin Group.
Keir Bradwell26LinkCambridge, UK, Political Thought and Intellectual History Masters student, to visit the U.S. to study Mancur Olson and Judith Shklar, and also to visit GMU.
Vaneeza Moosa26LinkOntario, incoming at University of Calgary, “Developing new therapies for malignant pleural mesothelioma using epigenetic regulators to enhance tumor growth and anti-tumor immunity with radiation therapy.”
Ashley Mehra26LinkYale Law School, background in classics, general career development and for eventual start-up plans.
An important project not yet ready to be announced26LinkUnited Kingdom.
Jennifer Tsai26LinkWaterloo, Ontario and Geneva (temporarily), molecular and computational neuroscience, to study in Gregoire Courtine’s lab.
Asher Parker Sartori26LinkBelmont, Massachusetts, working with Nina Khera (previous EV winner), summer meet-up/conference for young bio people in Hanover, New Hampshire.
Nima Pourjafar26Link17, starting this fall at Waterloo, Ontario. For general career development, interested in apps, programming, economics, solutions to social problems.
Karina26Link17, sophomore in high school, neuroscience, optics, and light, Bellevue, Washington.
Sana Raisfirooz26LinkOntario, to study bioelectronics at Berkeley.
James Hill-Khurana (left off an earlier 2022 list by mistake)26LinkWaterloo, Ontario, “A new development environment for digital (chip) design, and accompanying machine learning models.”
Tetiana Shafran26LinkKyiv, piano, try this video or here are more. I was very impressed.
Volodymyr Lapin26LinkUkraine tranche. London, Ukraine, general career development in venture capital for Ukraine.
Tanner Greer and The Center for Strategic Translation27LinkTo fund translation into English of important Chinese works, so that Westerners may understand China better.
Nabeel Qureshi27LinkNew York City, to support his next project.
Matthew Adelstein27LinkAnn Arbor, for the study of utilitarianism and to become a public intellectual.
Kris Gulati27LinkUC Merced, CA and Cambridge, Mass., to support his work in the economics of science.
Amos Wollen27LinkOxford Freshman, philosophy. General career development, podcasting, and travel.
Max Thilo27LinkLondon, to travel to Singapore and study their health care system.
Juliette Sellgren27LinkUniversity of Virginia and Arlington, to attend a Civic Future conference in Cambridge, general career development.
Olutoba Ojo27LinkNigeria/Newark, Delaware, 17, computational biology, general career development.
Maggie Li27LinkUniversity of Toronto, physiological changes in brain vasculature with aging, and conference attendance. Personal website here.
Jordan Dworkin27LinkFederation of American Scientists, NYC, a pledge toward a metascience experimentation prize.
Anna Claire Flowers27LinkGeorge Mason University, travel grant to Civic Future conference in Cambridge, UK, general career development.
Julia Pamilih27LinkStarting at Harvard Kennedy School, formerly Westminster, to become a leading expert on Indonesia.
Lada Nuzhna27LinkSan Francisco (originally Ukraine), for patent-related efforts, related to her work on gene expression.
Adithya Chakravarthy27LinkToronto, for his YouTube channel for advanced math videos.
Rebecca Lowe27LinkOxford, political philosopher, to support her writing of a book on the philosophy of freedom, Twitter here.
Viktoriia Schcherba27LinkUkraine tranche. Kyiv, now Harris School, Chicago, to study economic and political reconstruction.
Dmytro Semykras27LinkUkraine tranche. Ukraine and Graz, Austria, to develop his career as a pianist.
Anup Malani and Michael Sonnenschein28LinkChicago and Los Angeles respectively, repeat winners, now collaborating on a new project of interest.
Jesse Lee28LinkCalgary, to lower the costs on developing safe and effective sugar substitutes.
Russel Ismael28LinkMontreal, just finished as an undergraduate, to develop a new mucoadhesive to improve drug delivery outcomes.
Calix Huang28LinkUSC, 18 years old, general career development, AI and start-ups,
Aiden Bai28LinkNYC, 18, “to work more on Million.js, an open source React alternative,” and general career development. Twitter here.
Shrey Jain28LinkToronto, AI and cryptography and privacy.
Jonathan Xu28LinkToronto, currently Singapore, general career support, also with an interest in AI, fMRI, and mind-reading.
Viha Kedia28LinkDubai/ starting at U. Penn., writing, general career development.
Krishiv Thakuria28LinkEntering sophomore in high school, Ontario, Ed tech and general career development.
Alishba Imran28LinkUC Berkeley/Ontario, to study machine learning and robotics and materials, general career development, and for computing time and a home lab.
Jonathan Dockrell28LinkDublin, to finance a trip to Próspera to meet with prospective venture capitalists for an air rights project.
Nasiyah Isra-Ul28LinkChesterfield, VA, to write about, promote, and create a documentary about home schooling.
Sarhaan Gulati28LinkVancouver, to develop drones for Mars.
Viktoriia Shcherba28LinkUkraine tranche. Kyiv, now entering Harris School, University of Chicago, to study economic and political reconstruction.
Dmytro Semykras28LinkUkraine tranche. Graz, Austria, to develop his career as a pianist. Here is one recent performance.
Dan Rivera29LinkSouth Carolina, FavorPiedmont, addiction recovery and treatment.
Lukas Bogacz29LinkUtrecht/South Africa, to start a company based on fine-tuning LLMs.
Brian Wang29LinkMIT, Panoplia Laboratories, for DNA-based pan-virus vaccine research.
Gabriel Abrams29LinkWashington, D.C., Sidwell (high school), LLMs and economic research.
Chloe Chia29LinkBerkeley, to pursue computational research about human behavior in dense cities.
Jannik Schilling29Link18, Hamburg, Bay Area (?), general career development.
David Siegel29LinkTo assist in the education of his son Micah Siegel, Bethesda, MD, to produce a YouTube channel about how to help animals.
Shannon Kim29LinkUniversity of Chicago, biology and the origins of life, “Can prebiotic networks and the spread of chiral information explain the origins of biological homochirality?”
Kyrylo Kalashnikov29LinkMini-robotics, University of Toronto, from Ukraine.
Andrew Nijmeh29LinkToronto, to study the tech of traffic management systems, 15 years old.
Vinaya Sharma29LinkOntario, “VoltVision.AI is transforming electric grid fault detection and monitoring with autonomous drones, computer vision, and 3D and thermal imaging, helping embark on cheaper, faster and safer transmission line maintenance.”
Stuart Buck29LinkHouston, Good Science Project, to improve the study of meta science and improve science policy.
Leah Gimbel29LinkWashington, DC, to create a new system to grade principals.
Benjamin Yeoh29LinkLondon, to organize a London Unconference about home schooling. Also works as a playwright.
Eugene Shcherbinin29LinkUkraine tranche. London/LSE/Odesa, general career support, mathematics and economics.
Anna Orekhova29LinkUkraine tranche. To aid her new company in science education, Kyiv.
Bohdana Pavlychko29LinkUkraine tranche. Kyiv, venture capital and talent search, The Second Derivative Fund.
Nadia Parfan29LinkUkraine tranche. Takflix, Ukrainian movies marketed abroad by streaming, Kyiv
Dmytro Marakhovskiya29LinkUkraine tranche. Co-founder and CEO of Rozmova, a Ukrainian tech platform that connects psychotherapists with clients, to expand into Poland.
Mike Ferguson and Natasha Asmi30LinkBay Area and University of Michigan, growing blood vessels in the lab.
Klara Feenstra30LinkLondon, to write a novel about the tensions between Catholicism and modern life.
Snigdha Roy30LinkUCLA, for a conference trip and trip to India, math and computation and biology.
Nikol Savova30LinkOxford, and Sofia, Bulgaria, podcast on Continental philosophy, mathematics.
Seán O’Neill McPartlin30LinkDublin, policy studies and YIMBY interests.
Olivia Li30LinkNYC, geo-engineering, undergraduate dropout.
Suraj M. Reddy30LinkHigh school, Newark, Delaware, 3-D printing and earthquakes.
Zhengdong Wang30LinkUSA and London, DeepMind, to advance his skills in thinking and writing.
Andrés Acevedo30LinkMedellin, podcast about Colombia.
Luke Farritor30LinkUniversity of Nebraska, deciphering ancient scrolls, travel grant.
Hudhayfa Nazoordeen30LinkSri Lanka and Waterloo, hydroponics for affordable food.
Thomas Des Garets Geddes30LinkLondon, Sinification, China newsletter.
Chang Che30LinkBook project on the return of state socialism in China, USA/Shanghai.
Alexander Yevchenko30LinkToronto, ag tech for farmers.
Clayton Haight31LinkWaterloo, robotics and accelerating progress in hardware.
Hemanth Surya Ganesh31LinkFreshman at Dickinson College, also India, longevity research and general career support.
Lisa Wehden and Minn Kim31LinkPlymouth accelerates innovation through faster and more transparent immigration services.
Pranav Konjeti31LinkRichmond, VA, high school, to build out a web site on extracurricular activities.
Neel Redkar31LinkUCLA, artificial photosynthesis.
Kevin Liu31LinkVancouver, cybersecurity.
Julie R. Vaughn31LinkCambridge, Mass., to study delaying menopause and epigenetic reproductive aging measures.
Grace Sodunke31LinkOxford, AI and general career development.
Anirudh Bharadwaj Vangara31LinkWith co-founder, Toronto. Sophomores in high school, to build a semantic search engine to match students with internship and other opportunities.
John Ervin Caldemeyer31LinkUCLA, to translate Juan Marsé into English.
T.G. Hegarty31LinkCork, for on-line math education and Breakthrough Maths.
Elly Shin31LinkSan Francisco, formerly of Loyal, to research the possibility of extending menopause.
Harry O’Connor31LinkCork, Ireland, 17, robotics.
Mark Halka31LinkWaterloo, robotics and robotic arms.
Kyiv School of Economics and Tymofiy Mylovanov31LinkRepeat winners, to support and cultivate talent in Ukraine.
Taisiia Karasova31LinkAstroSandbox, to help sponsor the Ukrainian National internet-Olympiad on Astronomy.
Anson Yu32LinkWaterloo, telemetry devices that can detect compromised hardware devices to protect our electrical grid and other critical infrastructure.
Anshul Kashyap32LinkBerkeley, neurotech and vision, to visit the Netherlands for work and research reasons.
Kieran Lucid32LinkDublin, Irish videos about YIMBY and aesthetics, at the site Polysee.
Matin Amiri32LinkAntwerp, Afghanistan, and San Francisco (?), building digital clones.
Snowden Todd32LinkUSA and Honduras and South Korea, to write a book on South Korean fertility issues.
Anthony Jancso32LinkAccelerate SF, San Francisco, for general career development.
Denisa Lepadatu32LinkRomania and Bremen, trip to Prospera to pursue longevity research.
Jamie Rumbelow and Henry Dashwood32LinkLondon, British company to ease land rights/permissions.
Anastasia Vorozhtsova32LinkColumbia University, to study Russian education and the Russian state.
Rohan Selva-Radov32LinkOxford, general career development, and to develop a dating/matching service for young people.
Olga Yakimenko32LinkVienna, movie-making.
Rucha Benare32LinkDublin, Pune area, art and biology.
Brooke Bowman32LinkSan Francisco, Vibecamp.
Ruxandra Tesloianu32LinkCambridge/Romania, travel grant and career development, bio space, science, and meta-science.
Serhii Shadrin32LinkUkraine cohort. To study at University of Chicago, and to study information manipulation and media.
Le Sallay Academy32LinkUkraine cohort. Le Sallay Academy, school for Ukrainian refugees, including in France and Serbia, Sergey Kuznetsov and Aleka Molokova.
Alex Bartik and Arpit Gupta33LinkChicago and NYU, to work on zoning codes, machine learning, and LLMs.
Sasha Przyblski33Link16, Ontario, building more durable batteries.
Egzona Marina33LinkKosovo and MIT, to promote science and neuroscience education in Kosovo.
Aldrich Heinz Alvarez33LinkManila, travel grant to San Francisco and Singapore, wearables that harness multi-modal AI.
Molly Cantillon33LinkStanford, for a hacker house at Stanford.
Ayush Tambde33LinkDublin (Mumbai), physics and wormholes, and to finance a trip to San Francisco.
Candela Francisco33Link17, Buenos Aires, to become the world’s greatest woman chess player.
Aabhas Senapati33LinkHarvey Mudd, from Ahmedabad, general career support, and for work on ecosystems.
Erick Li33LinkMexicali, to visit a social science conference at Harvard.
Lorcan Geraghty33LinkCountry Wicklow, Dublin, EirSpace, aerospace for Ireland.
Regan Arntz-Gray33LinkBrooklyn, writing on feminism.
Steven Gong33LinkWaterloo, to make videos on topics related to physics and math.
Dominic Sobhani33LinkMidwest, Columbia University and now Tokyo, Progress Studies-related meet-ups and also personal travel.
Tomas Markey33LinkBallineen, Cork area, Direct Air Capture Engineering.
Alexander Koch33LinkGermany, Bay Area, robotics and robot learning.
Dylan Iskandar33LinkStanford, computer science, music, general career support.
Vesuvius Project33LinkBay Area.
Mark Koyama and Desiree Desierto33LinkFor British economic and political history, including in the 17th century.
Grant Getzelman33LinkBay area, computational wetware.
Naina Kumar33LinkMcLean, Virginia, 16, surgery + AR.
Yanchuk Dmytro33LinkUkraine cohort: Kyiv, repairing electric station short circuits.
Kaavya Kumar34Link16, Singapore, AI safety.
Asher Ellis34LinkYale, Indonesia studies and Pacific national security.
Sohi Patel and Teo Dimov34LinkYale, to work on medical devices in the cardiovascular field.
Diego Sanchez de la Cruz34LinkMadrid, to translate his new book on liberalism in Madrid into English.
Michael Ryan34LinkDublin, to build medical devices to monitor health.
Aden Nurie34Link16, Tampa, to build an app to help people find soccer games.
Robert Davitt34LinkDublin/SF, starting a company to bring together visiting children with family and farm experiences.
Ulrike Nostitz34LinkDublin, to build out an Irish space law association.
Onno Eric Blom and Vinzenz Ziesemer34LinkNetherlands, for a Dutch progress studies institute and a study on Dutch tech policy.
Katherine He34LinkYale, project to use LLMs to read and interpret legal codes.
Dan Schulz34LinkSan Francisco, podcasting.
Andrew Fang34LinkStanford, AI and real estate data project.
Ivan Zhang34LinkSan Francisco, AI safety.
Samuel Cottrell VI34LinkBay Area, general career support.
Julian Gough34LinkBerlin/Ireland, book on black holes and the evolutionary theory of the universe.
Sean Jursnick34LinkDenver, architect, website, competition, and Medium essays for single-stair reform to improve building codes.
Julia Willemyns34LinkLondon, to support studies for improving UK science policy.
Adam Mastroianni34LinkAnn Arbor, to run a Science House.
Jacob Mathew Rintamaki34LinkStanford, Nanotech. Twitter here.
Agniv Sarkar34Link17, San Francisco, neural nets.
Maria [Masha] O’Reilly34LinkUkraine tranche. Kyiv, Instagram videos on Ukraine and its history.
Yanchuk Dmytro34LinkUkraine tranche. Kyiv, to develop better methods for repairing electric station short circuits.
Yaroslava Okara34LinkUkraine tranche. Kyiv/Kharkiv/LSE, to study internet communications, general career support.
Julia Lemesh34LinkUkraine tranche. Boston, to send young Ukrainian talent to elite boarding schools abroad, Ukraine Global Scholars Foundation.
Luke Strathmann35LinkBrooklyn, to pursue projects related to economics and comedy.
Tanvi Reddy35LinkAustin, neural implants.
Guillaume Blanc35LinkManchester/Provence, to study fertility and the demographic transition.
Pedro Aldighieri35LinkNorthwestern, RiodJ, LLMs and progress in science.
Inayi Folarin Iman35LinkLondon, The Equiano Project, a UK-based charity that promotes freedom of speech and open dialogue on matters of race, identity and culture.
Ayan Ansari35LinkGreenville, SC, to run a web lab project for his high school.
Henry Bass35Link15, Stowe, Vermont, to live in the Bay Area, work on computer projects.
Janna Lu35LinkGMU/Singapore, to visit SF and tech/ai events, with an economics background.
Lyman Stone35LinkLexington, Kentucky, and Institute for Family Studies, to study and promote ideas of pro-natalism.
Thanosan Prathifkumar35Link16, Brampton, Ontario, AI and the monitoring of plants.
Naime Hoxha35LinkPristina, Kosovo, to find and train young talent in Kosovo.
Kushal Thaman35LinkStanford, AI studies.
Theo Jaffee35Linkpodcasting, San Francisco/Florida.
Joseph Jojoe35LinkColumbia, data labeling tools + AI architectures.
Patricia Hurducas35LinkThe Hague/Romania, writing, general career support.
Unmol Sharma36LinkOntario, for work on purple sulfur bacteria to make hydrogen.
Andrew Gau36LinkStanford, robotics for the science lab.
James Edward Dillard36LinkAtlanta area, AI and local reporting.
Jim Larsen36LinkFarmington, New Mexico, energy, geothermal energy, and Indonesia,
Mohit Deepak Agarwal36LinkStanford, LLMs and ancient texts, through Perseus.
Rohit Krishnan36LinkSan Francisco, to run mid-career sabbatical program for interesting doers and thinkers.
Yuan Sui36LinkToronto/Harvard, to work at Harvard on neurosystems and the brain.
Kevin Zhu36LinkPalo Alto, AI and child protection.
Muhammad Hunain36LinkNYC, 18, space shields to protect satellies.
Vaishnav Sunil36LinkNYC, writing and podcasting, including on talent.
Andrew Wu and Holden Mui36LinkMIT, to compose and play the piano music of Holden.
Alan Chen36LinkAustin, high schooler, robotics, AI, and assembly.
Ishir Rao36LinkChatham, NJ, high school, bio and AI and neurodegeneraton.
Adam Cheairs36LinkMassachusetts, 15, general career support, issues of sustainable development.
Nicholas Reville and Alex Jutca36LinkSan Francisco, RCTs to study the ability of GLP-1 drugs to alleviate addictions.
Nicholas Kruus37Link17, Highlands Ranch, CO, poverty alleviation, general career support.
Tobi Shevlane37LinkOxford, AI, and prediction of real world events.
John Gross-Whitaker37LinkStanford, writing and thinking, and career development.
Benjamin Manning37LinkMIT, AI as a tool for doing economic research.
Arden Berg37LinkWestern Massachusetts, incoming student at the University of Chicago philosophy and economics.
Sean Cai and associates37LinkCornell, using AI to improve the information content of musical notation.
Nicholas Decker37LinkGeorge Mason University, economics Ph.D student to write his Substack and general career development.
Tim Mak37LinkKyiv, originally McGill developing a periodical to cover business and defense developments in Ukraine.
Jack Wiseman37LinkLondon. A workspace for life sciences hardware/robotics and AI research in London for young scientists/technologists.
Zeaus Koh37Link17, Singapore general career support bio and AI.
Nathan J. Zhao37LinkStanford, general career support.
Naila Moloo37Link18, Ottawa and Chapel Hill, turning duckweed into bioplastics.
Marina Lin37LinkMcLean, VA, high school biological approaches to hard-NP problems to cover possible publication costs.
Pablo Cobo Pérez37LinkCordoba, Spain, 16, programming and AI to finance a trip to San Francisco.
Jon Hartley37LinkHoover and Stanford, gather data on how LLMs are used in workplaces.
Sean Keyes37LinkProgress Ireland, to study Irish policy issues and for travel and fact-finding missions.
Luke Marks37LinkAustralia, general career support and AI to visit the Bay Area.
Janet Guo37LinkMIT and New Zealand, longevity research.
Tejas Chakrapani37Link16, Basking Ridge, NJ, general career support for efforts in tech.
Rohit Kulkarni37Link17, Chantilly, VA, AI and biology.
Ricardo López Cordero37LinkMexico City, podcast on Mexican intellectual life.
Ekaterina Leksina37LinkUniversity of Warwick, mathematical biology.
Sandro Luna38LinkAustin, easier ways of getting blood pressure readings
Divyan Bavan38LinkOntario, 17, machine learning for biology
Michael Domarkas38Link17, Surrey, UK, general career support for the biosciences
Saras Agrawal38Link17, Alberta, AI to monitor heart attack risk
Charmaine Lee38LinkNYC, music composition and performance
Jodi Ettenberg38LinkOttawa, podcast on how to deal with adversity
Jiya Singhal38LinkStavanger, Norway, high school, AI to detect skin cancer
Janine Leger38LinkTexas, for building full-time communities around the globe
Rishi Mehta38LinkToronto, a device to limit falls of the elderly
Ivan Lin38LinkSydney, 16, travel grant to the Bay Area
Fearghal Desmond and Ryan Morrissey38LinkCork and Limerick, Induct, and a travel grant to SF
Filip Cerny38Link18, Prague, general career support, building out entrepreneurship in Czechia
James Vitali38LinkLondon, to write a book about the political future of the UK, general career support
Harry Law38LinkCambridge, UK, historian of science, to write a history of AI
Joshua Muthu38LinkWarwick, UK, economic models of cities and building
Kyla Scanlon38LinkVenice, CA, to produce content on economics, including a new documentary, and also for travel support
Pieter Garicano38LinkWDC and Europe, general career support, writing on Europe, progress, and technology
Nazar Drugov38LinkUkraine cohort, Cambridge, MA, and MIT, and Ukraine, 17, to make Khanmigo fully functional in Ukrainian
Aleksandra Peeva38LinkUkraine cohort, Berlin, to study Russian sanctions
Maria Marinichenko38LinkUkraine cohort, physics and math instruction in Ukrainian for Ukrainians
Anastasiya Dobrobabenko38LinkUkraine cohort, STEM education for a school near Kyiv
Karine Bao39LinkSan Francisco, to translate the autobiography of Morris Chang
Theodor Grether-Murray and Marta Bernardino39Linkhigh school in Montreal, Portugal, noise cancelling technologies for the ocean
Jim Larsen39LinkDenver, electricity and infrastructure and geothermal energy in Indonesia, Substack
Sunir Manandhar39LinkSan Francisco/Kathmandu, ports and transportation, and better automation in industrial vehicles
Ahad Hassan39LinkNYC, to attend a neurodiagnostics conference in Abu Dhabi
Kenneth Sarip39Linkhigh school in San Ramon, CA, neurotech
Jasmine Sun39LinkSan Francisco, for full-time writing and Substack
Stella Tsantekidou39LinkLondon, general career support, to write a book on feminism
Conrad Scheibe and Daniel Coupak39Linkhigh school in the London area, rocket company
Badis Labbedi39LinkTunisia, University of Chicago, physics and math
Ivan Primachenko39LinkKyiv, Prometheus, scalable quality online training programs for Ukrainians
Helena Rosengarten39LinkBerlin soon Cambridge MA, Ozempic for sleep
Ansh Chopra39LinkSan Francisco, to turn classic books into video using AI